Another set of Fortnite challenges, these for Week 3 of Season 4, are now available. These introduce a treasure map hunt in Salty Springs and new rubber duckies to find, along with the usual slate of chest-opening and killing in Battle Royale. Here’s how to complete all of Week 3’s objectives.
One key thing to be aware of if you’re attempting these challenges shortly after they debuted is that at least one of them, Watch a Match Replay, is not currently possible. Developer Epic Games intended for Week 3 challenges to launch alongside update 4.2. That patch, however, had to be delayed, and as a result Epic warned that “some quests may not function until the build releases.” That includes match replays, which will seemingly not register completion without update 4.2 in place.
Another challenge (a Hard-difficulty one) asks you to follow the treasure map found in Salty Springs. As with past instances of this challenge, you can explore Salty Springs to locate the treasure map, or you can simply head to where the treasure is–if you know where to go. In this case, you’ll head to an unnamed location on the map on the eastern edge of the map. Just northeast of Moisty Mire, but south of Lonely Lodge, you’ll see dirt circles for what looks like a dirtbike track. Go toward the middle of the lower circle and you’ll find the Battle Pass icon just southwest of the large tree. Collect the icon by holding the same Use button/key that you’d use to open a chest.

Week 3’s other more involved challenge involves searching 10 rubber duckies. This involves tracking down a duck and collecting it. You can do the 10 across a series of matches, and already more than a total of 10 have been discovered across the island. There’s no in-game indication for where to find them, but when you get near to one, you’ll hear a telltale noise that gives away the duck’s proximity. Once you find one, simply walk up to it and collect as you did the Battle Pass icon. We’re assembling a map of locations now, but two you can find easily are located in the river that runs to the east of Anarchy Acres. Head to the base of the covered bridge to find one, and then follow the river north and drop down the waterfall to find another–but make sure you have materials to build your way back up.

The remainder of the challenges are more rote. You’ll need to deal 500 damage with pistols to opponents, which is something you can grind out by getting your hands on pistols and then making use of them whenever possible. Another asks you to search chests in Lonely Lodge; simply drop there at the start of a match enough times and you’re sure to get all seven chests.
The remaining two challenges are both Hard-difficulty ones. One asks you to get two sniper rifle eliminations, which can be difficult if you aren’t great at aiming snipers. Another asks you to eliminate three opponents in Tilted Towers. Your best bet in both cases is to attempt this in a Solo playlist, where you don’t have to worry about downing enemies or having their teammates revive them.
Completing challenges helps you to rank up your Battle Pass–although you’ll need to have purchased the Season 4 Battle Pass to take part in anything more than the Starter challenges. Ranking up unlocks all of the skins and cosmetics that are currently available. You can get a full rundown on how to complete them all in our Season 4 challenge guide.
Season 4, Week 3 Challenges
- Watch a Match Replay — 5 Battle Stars
- Deal damage with Pistols to opponents (500) — 5 Battle Stars
- Search Chests in Lonely Lodge (7) — 5 Battle Stars
- Search Rubber Duckies (10) — 5 Battle Stars
- Hard: Follow the treasure map found in Salty Springs — 10 Battle Stars
- Hard: Sniper Rifle Eliminations (2) — 10 Battle Stars
- Hard: Eliminate opponents in Tilted Towers (3) — 10 Battle Stars