Month: September 2018
See Fortnite Season 6’s Biggest Map Changes
Fortnite: Secret Battle Star Location and Map for Season 6, Week 1
Take a Look at Asassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Skill Trees
Minecraft: Dungeons Announced for PC
Minecraft: Dungeons, a brand new game set in the world of Minecraft, is coming to PC in 2019, Mojang announced today during Minecon Earth 2018.
Being developed internally by a “small and dedicated team” within Mojang, the developer describes Minecraft: Dungeons as an “action-adventure game inspired by classic dungeon crawlers.” It’ll support up to four players and feature various new weapons, items, and mobs, as well as a variety of environments to explore and an overarching quest that’ll see players face off against an enemy called the Arch-Illager.
“When I think of Minecraft I think about it as a multiverse,” Jens Bergensten, lead developer at Mojang told IGN. “Dungeons is essentially one Minecraft world with specific areas to go to, specific quests, and specific monsters. That said there are of course procedural elements to the game.”
Minecraft Village and Pillage Update Announced
Minecraft’s next big update, which will add Pillagers and over 10 new Villagers, is coming in 2019, Mojang announced today during Minecon Earth 2018.
Appropriately titled Village and Pillage, the update introduces Pillagers, an unfriendly group of characters equipped with dangerous Beasts. Players will have the ability to defend villages from Pillager attacks.
The update will also bring eleven new Villagers to the world of Minecraft, including the Librarian, Butcher, Cleric Cartographer, Leatherworker, Fletcher, Shepherd, Farmer, Fisher, Armorer, Toolsmith, and Weaponsmith. Each new Villager will have unique design variations depending on which biome they’re found in.
Dragalia Lost: How to Reroll for the Best Summons
Is PlayStation Taking Notes from Xbox Game Pass?
With the recent announcement that PlayStation Now will allow for players to download and play PS4 and PS2 games offline from Sony’s subscription streaming service, the crew of IGN’s weekly PlayStation show Beyond dug into the topic.
Watch the video above to see Jonathon Dornbush, Brian Altano, and Max Scoville discuss whether PlayStation Now’s new capabilities are taking a note out of Xbox’s Game Pass system, and whether we could see the service be combined with PlayStation Plus in the future.
In its original announcement, Sony did note that users will need to connect their PS4’s to the internet every few days to verify their PS Now subscription to play downloaded titles, but an always-on, super-fast internet connection won’t be necessary for this verification.
Every Amiibo Figure Ever
Amiibo may not be the wild craze they were when they first released, but they are still some of the best official Nintendo figurines you can find. As of publish, 175 official Amiibo have been made or announced, though that number comes with some caveats.
Here’s gallery of every single Amiibo figurine released or announced, sorted by game series. There are a whole lot in there, so be sure to use the arrow keys for quicker browsing if you are viewing on the desktop site:
Now, let’s get a few things straight: We aren’t counting the Animal Crossing Amiibo cards. There are A LOT of those, but 2D cards don’t really feel like they qualify as full-on Amiibo. (Though we did include the cereal box Amiibo, that’s 3D, right?) Additionally, there are four figurines from the Skylanders games, but they actually do double as official Amiibo. Additionally, the Mr. Game & Watch Amiibo has four interchangeable poses sold in a bundle with only one base, technically making it a single Amiibo.
Let’s Play Resident Evil 0 Part 7 – Resident Kinevil
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Netflix’s Best New Movies And TV Shows From September 2018 (US)
Fortnite Guide: Where To Dance Under Streetlight Spotlights (Season 6, Week 1 Challenge Locations)
Destiny 2 Forsaken’s Wanted: Gravetide Summoner Weekly Powerful Gear Bounty
Fortnite Season 6 Trailer For Battle Pass Shows Dire Werewolf Skin And More
Diablo Meets Destiny In Torchlight Frontiers
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Is Much Bigger Than We Thought
Minecraft: Dungeons – Official Announcement Trailer | Minecon 2018
Netflix In October 2018 – Best New Movies And TV Shows To Watch!
Destiny 2: Forsaken Video Review
SoulCalibur VI – Every Critical Edge So Far From Network Beta Test
First Look At Breach’s Auros Gladiator In Action
Pokemon Go October Community Day Details Revealed – GS News Update
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